Robert Steinem Home

Reflection, Light and Line: The Art of Robert Steinem

Robert Steinem's oil paintings balance a relaxed realism with a captivating sense of form and light. His artistic interpretations aren't merely literal translations, but serve as explorations of the subject matter, inviting the viewer to examine these subjects in a new way. Steinem's work includes Architectural scenes, Snow Scenes, and a collection of unique water and nature images called Reflected Light.

His work is held in many private and public collections, is exhibited at the National Cathedral in Washington, and has been featured by the Christopher Reeve Foundation. His artwork is available in fine art galleries, and through Pebble Hill Studio, where he paints in Massachusetts at the foothills of the Green Mountains. He also spends part of each year in Washington, D.C., and in coastal South Carolina.

The paintings on this site are grouped by subject, as a representative sample of a growing and acclaimed body of artwork. Contact the artist for images of additional pieces, and information on gallery representation, prices and commissioned works.


Snow Scenes

Reflected Light

Other Places, Other Scenes

Images on this page include Architecture (36"x24" oil on canvas), and details from Urban Evolution, Tough Spring, Regatta, and Cypress Morning. See the gallery sections for more information.

Robert Steinem
Pebble Hill Studio • 413-624-3709 (Mass.) • 202-237-7344 (Wash. D.C.) • Email